Sunday 16 May 2010

Michael Is Still Alive?

Hey guys!

There has been alot of suspicion about the death of Michael Jackson, theres so many rumours and stories its hard to determine what fact & whats fiction, i myself have sort of believed he's still alive for months now! i have a YouTube account - (MJTheLegendLivesOn) and i have been watching video's about his 'death hoax' and alot of it fits together, i know most people said this when Elvis died but i do truly believe MJ is out there somewhere his death is still a mystery to the public its rather strange how people are spotting all these 'clues' and even thinking they've seen the man himself, either veiled or with bandages on his face in numerous airports & holiday destinations.

There are so many but there's a website - they seem to believe that Michael is travelling all around Europe in the hope of a quiet life. most people on the site have said 'i saw him with no body guards & just a small case' one lady who claimed to have spotted him in Manchester airport UK said 'I'm sure it was him, he was very thin, his face was covered by a veil, he had the same soft voice...he was reading a newspaper about his own death!...i turned to my partner and said "that just looks like Michael Jackson" the man walked off at a quick pace into the loos, my partner said i was a nutter, when we were leaving i heard a man say to his wife "Ive just seen Michael Jackson's double" sure the man in question could have been Michael but yes it could have been an average member of the public but to be acting so shifty when Michael's name was mentioned it sounds a bit suspicious.

There is one rumour that I'm kinda stuck on whether to believe or not, i watched the Larry King interview with 'Dave Dave' last year a few weeks after Michael's death & i have been intrigued to say the least, the Dave Dave that appeared on Larry King has hardly any likeness to the Dave Dave's pictures Ive seen on his official myspace page, on Larry King Dave Dave was soft spoken - just like Michael, he had darker eyes - like Michael (when i say dark eyes i mean like eye liner just like how Michael allegedly had his eye liner tattooed on him). Dave Dave has the same mannerisms as Michael has whereas if you go to Dave Dave's myspace you will see that he doesn't have darker eyes, his facial burns are far more severe than when he was on Larry King, in his video's on there his voice sounds quite a bit different than when he was being interviewed.

Its quite a strange situation really, sure Michael had motive to want to get out the spotlight, he never got to be private he never got to do what he wanted to do without a media circus following his every move he even had to veil his children, after 45 years in the music industry i think Michael wanted to get away from it all, and i think he had every right to want a 'normal' life but maybe not going as far as 'killing himself' or 'faking his own death', many fans believe that Michael will make his presence known sooner or later in a magical way, in a way only the king of pop could, a surprise return to the stage in June of 2010.

Though i hope he is alive i don't think he should make his presence own to the media its going to be mayhem, and I'm sure its illegal to fake your own death, maybe MJ will face jail if he comes back one thing is for sure though, in life or in death Michael's name still makes the headlines even nearly a year after his 'death'.

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